Was Einstein an athiest?
The Rebel (A) Einstein was a genius, and there are not many of them.
Reading this thread it would appear conclusive that Einstein was a believer that became an agnostic. But what did the definition of an agnostic mean for Einstein when he wrote?:-
" The mystery of all things is insoluble by us, and I must be content to remain an agnostic" Einstein. How would his work and theories have been received at the time he presented them, if he had stated he was an athiest?
Anyway Einstein died April 18 1955, and at the time of his death he was athiest. I based this conclusion on a letter he wrote in 1954. This letter was sold back in 2012 on eBay for 3 million dollars, and addresses many philosophical themes including religion. The letter is conclusive proof that towards the end of his life he rejected the idea of a personal God.
The letter can be read on the Internet in its entirety.
The Rebel.